I chose this topic because until you realize who you are, it will be difficult for you to understand the good news this platform is meant to bring to you. Until you understand the cause and nature of a problem, you will keep applying one means or the other to solve it without result. When you want to cut down a tree that you wouldn't want to grow again and cut the branches and the stem living the root, in no time it will regrow. So you must uproot it from the root for it to die permanently. So, once you come to the full knowledge of the cause of a problem, you needn't apply different means to have a result but just one right solution and you will have an amazing result.
Over the years, you must have in one time or the other promised yourself not to go back sinning, or perhaps, there is this particular sin you promised not to commit again but sadly enough, you see yourself committing it over and over again. Each time this happens guilt overwhelms you and you keep asking the questions; how long will I continue like this? What if after all these I have lived a good life and its only the day and moment I commit this sin that death strikes? Yes! These and many more are the questions you ask yourself. But, there is something you do not know about which is; "who you are" (YOURSELF).
Every human being is conceived and given birth to in sin. This simply means, we are all born with sin in the inside of us. You are by nature a sinner likewise all. Sin therefore, is a nature which we can never overcome by our own efforts and will.
Mark 7:20-23(king James) says:
"And he said, that which comes out of the Man, that defiles the man. For from within, out of heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, murders, thefts, convectousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil thing comes from within and defile the man"
Another translation put it thus;
"It is what comes out of a person that makes him unclean. For from the inside, from a person's heart, comes the evil ideas which lead him to do immoral things, to rob, kill, commit adultery, be greedy and do all sorts of evil things; deceit, indecency, jealousy, slander, pride and folly. All these things come from inside a person and makes him unclean" (Good news Bible).
Look closely into the above scripture. Do you find yourself exhibiting some if not all of the sins there in? Have you tried stopping them without result? Or are you in the category of persons that see themselves as good people who commits little or no sin? The truth is that no matter how bad or good you may think you are, you may not be as bad or as good as u think for all human beings are born with the above listed 12 sins in their hearts. This is what defiles us rendering all of us sinners irrespective of how good or bad you may think you are. No one is an exception.
Romans 3:9
"What then? are we Jews better than the Gentiles? Not at all! I have already shown that the Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin"
The above scripture shows you that sin has control over our lives and that is why you can't do away with it no matter how many times you have resolved to stop committing sin. We all sin till we die. We feel guilty after committing sin. This guilty conscience is an indicator that you as a person wills to do good . But because when you were born, you were born with all the above listed sins engraved in your heart, you only do that which is in your heart because you lack the capacity to do good. This is exactly what Apostle Paul is trying to explain when he notes:
"I do not understand what I do; for I don't do what I would like to do but instead I do what I hate. Since what I do is what I don't want to do, this shows that the law is right. So I am not really the one who does these things, rather it is the sin that lives in me, that is, in my human nature. For even though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it. I don't do the good I want to do; instead I do the evil that I don't want to do, this means that i am no longer the one who does it; instead it is the sin that lives in me" (Romans 7:15-20).
Did you see that? Remember God doesn't look at our physical appearance but our inside. So each time he looks at us, he only sees that which is in our hearts(SIN). That is why we are all sinners who cannot help ourselves out but only have to look up to someone who alone has the power to save us. Not until you realize this and believe you are born a sinner and can never help not to sin and therefore seek for him that is able to save you, you will continue repenting all over and over again without result just like cutting the tree at its branches and stem.
I guess you understand yourself better now and the reason you are acting and living that way. You now know it is not you but the sin that dwells in your heart acting itself out through your flesh. I know you are eager now to know the way out, how to come out of the sins in your heart and the guilt that follows. Hey!! Don't worry, that is why I am here to help you through that.
Note: the onus doesn't lie on you to save your self out of that situation. Someone was specially created to perform that job on your behalf. So just relax and follow me through as i show you who he is and what he has done regarding your condition. But before that, I will have to take you through an important thing you also need to know in my next publication, titled " THE PURPOSE OF THE LAW" DONT MISS IT! LOVE YOU DEEPLY!
Waow, what a wonderful thing to be here, Chiamakapraise thanks for your love and effort in bringing this true gospel to the world. Continue the good work with the love of christ in you because I know a lot of hidden truths will be revealed here.
Waow, what a wonderful thing to be here, Chiamakapraise thanks for your love and effort in bringing this true gospel to the world. Continue the good work with the love of christ in you because I know a lot of hidden truths will be revealed here.
Thank you Ogbu Ngozika. I hope you will keep following m as I lead you to a place you would never want to leave
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