We are here again! Were you able to answer the question posed at you in the last publication? So many people are yet to know where they belong. They don't know if they are Jew or Gentile. So let's see who these people are and where you belong.
The Jews refer only to the Israelites. If you know you are not an Israelite, then you are not a Jew but a Gentile. The Gentiles are you and me. Before salvation came through Christ, the Jews were the only nation in the world whose God was "God". They never knew nor served any other gods. All other nations of the world(Gentiles) never had nor knew whom God was rather all the nations had gods peculiar to them. So when the law was given out it was given to the Israelites whose God was God and not to the Gentiles. The Gentiles never knew such commandments of God but had their own laws made out of their instinct. That is to say it was what their minds told them was good or evil that they upheld. As a result, they became their own law and were not based on the provisions of God's law(commandments). Sometimes they did by instinct those things in the commandments even though they never had the law.
Romams 2:14 says
"For when the Gentiles which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law are a law unto themselves"
You came to know about the commandments of God today because of the message of salvation brought to us through the Jews who seeked to make their God the true God known to every other human race. So when they came to proclaim their God to the Gentiles, the law of God was not omitted eventhough Jesus had already dealt with the law through his sacrifice.The Jews believed that for the Gentiles to know their God, they must also know about his commandments and what he abhorred. So the knowledge of the commandments made the Gentiles know what God called sin. So the commandments also brought the knowledge of sin to them and they no longer depended on what their instinct told them was sin or good. Because they were there own laws before, what could mean evil to one nation, might be considered good in another nation and vice versa. So with that, the whole nations of the world apart from the Jews had their own definition of sin and good peculiar to them.
With the introduction of the commandments, the Gentiles now became aware of what sin actually was. When they got hold of the knowledge of God and his commandments, they started practicing keeping the law just like the Jews. With this, it became a religion to us even to this present day like it is a religion to the Jews known as the Jewish religion.
Just like the Jews could not keep the law to the latter, the Gentiles also could not and can never keep the whole demands of the law. This inability of both races being able to keep the law brought them, the Jews and Gentiles under God's judgement as Condemned sinners. This is because whoever does not obey all the law is a lawbreaker and therefore a sinner.
Apostle Paul testifies of this when he said in
Romans 3:9What did Paul mean when he said under the power of sin? What is this power of sin? May I bring to your notice that the power of sin is the law(commandments).
"Well then are we the Jews in any better condition than the Gentiles? Not at all. I have already shown that Jews and Gentiles are all under the power of sin"
1Corinthians 15: 57
"The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law"
Did you see that? Sin derive it's power from the law and death derive it's own power from sin. The power of sin is the law because, it was the law that made you know what sin was, without the law, there would not be any knowledge and consciousness of sin.
Romans 3:19 also said
"Now we know that whatsoever the law said, it said it to them that are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God"
He is simply saying that under the law, everyone and all human race is guilty because only the person who keeps everything in the law shall live and no one under the sun has been able to do that. As a result, we are all sinners before God awaiting his judgement. If God was to judge each of us based on the provisions of the law, what do you think would happen? Do you think you would escape hell? No way! It means the entire human race will be heading straight to hell fire.
My friend, I have brought you this far, trying to explain to you who you are. From our discussions, YOU have come to know that you are a born sinner who will always remain so because no matter what you do you can never stop yourself from sinning because it's a nature in you. In fact, trying not to sin is likened to living in your shadow. It means trying to be who you are not by trying not to sin. Likewise, trying to keep the commandments is like forcing a cow to pass through the eye of a needle. How practically impossible it is. Now that you have known the basic truth about who you are and why you have repeatedly sinned and kept repenting each time despite all efforts not to, you are in a better position to receive the good news I'm bringing to you. It's time to show you the way out of that situation. This is leading us to another topic titled JESUS THE LAMB FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN. See you soon. LOVE YOU DEEPLY.
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