Greetings to you beloved. It's good to share his word with you again. May He that giveth understanding, enlighten you in the light of his word. Amen!
Col: 2: 6-7 says " since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him. Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him and become stronger in your faith as you were taught and be filled with thanksgiving."
The word tells you, that now that you have believed in Christ Jesus, you should build your life in Him. It admonishes you to follow the Lord of your soul. It tells you to live in union with him, keep your roots deep in him, build your life on him, become stronger in your faith as you were taught and be filled with thanksgiving. Now, the question is how can you do all of these things?
For you to do these, you have to always walk according to his word. Let his word direct your life and become your mirror. There is no other way you can build your life on him if not through his word.
John 15:5 says" I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who remain in me and I in them will bear much fruit, for you can do nothing without me." He went further to tell us how to remain in him in verse 7 saying" if you remain in me and my words remain in you, then you will ask anything you wish and you shall have it."
This shows you that he can only remain in you through his words. That is to say, you have to study his words , know what he says there concerning you and any circumstance and as well apply them in your life. He described you as a branch of a vine. A branch cannot exist independent of the vine else, it will wither away. When you accepted Christ by accepting his finished work, what happened was that he gave birth to you. You came out or exist out of Christ just like a branch grows out from the vine. Since you now exist through him and in him, you must stick to Jesus by taking his words inside your heart and living out his words.
The implication of this is that it doesn't matter anymore what your past was, what people say about you, your background or challenges/circumstances surrounding you. What matters now is what Jesus says about you. The only person that now has a say in your life is the one whom you came out from- Jesus Christ. You have to believe every of his words more than any other thing or person. If Jesus has said that by his stripes you are healed, it doesn't matter anymore how big or small that sickness appears to be. Only take up this word of his and speak it to your body. If he has said there would be no barrenness among you, all you need to do is to take up that word and speak it to that situation. If he has said I became poor that you may be rich, then you have no reason to think failure or poverty. If he has said I shared your sin that you may become the righteousness of God(2 Cor. 5: 21), then you needn't worry again over being righteous, or not just declare that you are righteous in him because he has said it. If he has said he has made you holy, pure, and blameless in his sight, (Col. 1: 22), then you have no reason whatsoever to see yourself as unholy, impure or blameable. You have got to approach him with confidence and boldness (Eph. 3: 12). If he has said he came to save sinners, (1 Tim. 1:15), you have no reason to say you are not saved. I can go on and on to give you instances.
Stop confessing what he has not said about you. Let him become your mirror. Always take a look at yourself in his mirror(word) before you make or accept comments about yourself. Whatever thing He has pronounced about you that is exactly what he has made you to become. He can't lie. There is no falsehood in him. So he can be trusted. For instance, there are those who all their lives have been told that they have ancestral gods following them. As a result, they link everything happening to them to the gods in quote. But let me bring to your notice, it is written in Col 2: 20" you have died with Christ and are set free from the rulling spirits of the universe." These rulling spirits are among those working through those ancestral gods. Immediately you accept Christ, you are automatically separated from them. Do you know why? because Christ is head over principalities and powers(col 2:10). Yes! the one you believe in is rulling above all spiritual rulers, Lords , authorities, thrones and dominions. How then can you be affected by them when Christ is your father? So you have got to be scared of nothing!
Col 2: 14- 15 says " He cancelled the unfavorable record of our debt(sin) with its binding rules(the law) and did away with it completely nailing it to the cross. And on that cross Christ freed himself from the power of the spiritual rulers and authorities. He made public spectacle of them by leading them as captives in his victory procession."
Christ himself has taken those things you fear captive making them prisoners. All you need do is to take his word and bring it to bear on any situation or issue and your victory is sure. Hallelujah!
I want you to know that Christ needed to do something very important to be able to set you free from anything that will affecting you negatively. He had to deal with yours sins first because sin causes man to be vulnerable to the devil. It was for this reason that he(Jesus Christ) that didn't commit any sin died for you a sinner to purify you from all iniquities. He took your sins away and nailed them on the cross and then freed himself from every spiritual rulers taking them captive. This very act of Christ freed you from the hostages and manipulations of the devil.
You have got to therefore build your life strong in him whom you believe in. Your faith should be deep rooted. Believe his words More than anything else for his words becomes knowledge in you and knowledge is power. God said his people perish because of lack of knowledge. Whatever you do, think or say that is contrary to his own word, don't accept it or talk it. Whatever information that is given to you by people that does not align with what God has said concerning you, don't take it. God has never said anything negative concerning you so refuse to be moved by the negative words of men concerning your life. if Jesus couldn't fail, then you can never fail too. Always mirror that issue in his words before you act. in this way, you are living in union with him, having your roots deep rooted and building your life on him. You have to be aware of what he has made available for you giving him thanks always for that because he deserves your praise. LOVE YOU DEEPLY. SEE YOU SOON!
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