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Sunday, 5 March 2017

Discover your true identity in Christ

    Beloved, it is my earnest desire that you come to realize/discover whom you have been made to become in your union with Christ Jesus. May God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ open the minds of your understanding to comprehend your place in him. Amen!
     Today, what many Christians suffer from is what I called identity Crisis. Have you ever come across someone who lost his identity and doesn't know who he/she is, where he comes from, his parents, place of origin etc? This kind of people takes up whatever the world throws at them. They appear confused in life. They tend to live at the mercy of others. This is exactly the state of majority of Christians today. Most people do not know who they have been made to become in Christ Jesus. They are unaware of where they are coming from or going from here.
This is going to be an extensive topic so I am going to treat it one after the other. In view of this, I will be treating same topic With different sub topics each day till am done with it so that should you see same topic another day, you wouldn't be discouraged from reading thinking it's a repetition of the past one.
      Today's sub topic is taken from
2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."
      God has already established his righteousnes among men through his son Jesus Christ. He has shown He is a just God full of love and cares for the entire human race; be it Christians or non-christians. He has revealed to us that it is not in his agenda for anyone to die and perish. To this end, He became a human being in the form of Jesus Christ to deal accordingly With our sins in order to bring us before him as righteous people.
     Our theme verse today says God made him ( Jesus Christ) who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him( Christ Jesus), we might become the righteousness of God. Do you really know, and believe that God has made you righteous through the sacrifice of Jesus? Are you aware that you have been made to become his righteousnes not sinner or are you among those suffering from this identity crisis? I remember asking someone who claimed to believe in Jesus if she was still a sinner eventhough she believes in Jesus and she answered yes! Hmmmm! I know this is still the answer so many others would give in response to the same question; including you. How can you say you believe in Jesus and still say you are a sinner? It is impossible! Do you know what it means to say you believe in him? It means you are saying that you believe he has saved you from sin because that was why he came. Whoever is saved from sin is no longer a sinner. So how can we reconcile your answer of being a believer who is still a sinner? It is either you are a sinner who has not accepted Christ or you are a believer in Christ who has become righteous. I am aware most people say otherwise because everyday they commit sin.(topic for another day). But that you think this way cannot and can never make the truth of none effect. God can never lie. It's written let everyone be false and God be true. He is Yes yes and Amen.
     The reading of today tells you that Jesus became sin for you so that you will be his righteousnes. Meaning he took your place as a sinner, dealt with sin, and gave you righteousness. If you claim to believe yet, call yourself a sinner before him, then, there is just one problem--- you do not and have not believed in him. You are simply making him a lier telling him he has not yet saved you. You can go back and read my previous topic titled " WHAT/HOW TO BELIEVE" that you may believe accordingly.
     As far as God is concerned, the only sin he knew was his son whom he made to become sin for us so that whoever believes in his redemption is forgiven and given the position of righteousness. Of course the entire human race was under sin. We were all sinners before Christ death . It was because we were all sinners that he had to die such that if you say you have not sinned, you make God a lier. How? Because He came because we were sinners. Without sin there would have been no Jesus. So we first of all acknowledge that we are sinners. This is what makes the sacrifice of Christ valid. But after Christ died and redeemed us, we were made righteous. So we first believe we are sinners and then believe in his redemption which now makes us righteous though, for everyone who believes not for those that holds him in unbelieve. He died for all and redeemed all but not all shares or is reaping the blessings of his redemption but only those who believe in the totality of his redemption not for those that says it's impossible for him to have forgiven them of all sin. It is this set of people that confess till this very day that they are sinners eventhough they believe in Jesus.
     I am delighted to tell you that one of his identity to you is that he has made you righteous. Stop confessing you are a sinner except you have not truly accepted him. Outside him you are a sinner but in him you are righteous. Start confessing yourself unto salvation just as Paul said in Rom.10:10 says" for with the heart man believeth unto righteousnes, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." What Paul is teaching you here is that it is with your heart that you believe you are righteous and with your mouth you confess that you are saved. It is not enough for you to believe in the righteousness of God but you have to profess, talk or voice out that which you believe about him and yourself. It is only when you do this that it starts sinking into your consciousness of whom and what Christ has made you to become. If you hold that you believe in Jesus, then you must confess your righteousnes in him. That is to say you  ought to vocalize that you are righteous and saved for that was part of the things Christ achieved for you with his sacrifice. keep saying to yourself ; I am righteous, not of my own deeds but of Christ's. I urge you to believe and confess yourself unto salvation. No one can do this for you not even God. He has played his part by giving you Jesus. So play your part by believing and using your mouth to declare your salvation in him. Whenever the devil suggest to your thoughts that you are a sinner, remind him of the finished work of Christ who cleansed you from all sins, Voice out that confession and he will flee with his condemnation.
     Beloved, it's time to grab your identity. The days you wandered in ignorance of whom you are are gone. Today is the day to be saved. Amen! SEE YOU SOON!

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