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Tuesday, 21 March 2017


And be not conformed to the pattern of this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Rom. 12: 2)

Today's theme verse says you should not conform any longer to this world's (this age) pattern, but that you should be transformed(changed) by the renewing(new ideals and attitudes) of your mind that you may prove what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of God. This is a pointer to you that God himself wants you to change to take up a new character, thoughts or mind. Having received Christ, He expects you to have a new way of thinking which in turn transforms you into the kind of personality He wants. God wants to transform your inner man by the way you think. The mind here is in some cases in the scripture is writen as heart. They are used interchangeably. 
    Why did Paul through the holy spirit in this verse say by renewing your mind? He is aware of the power of  the mind. He knows that your mind is the center of your life. Your mind consist of your will, emotions and thoughts. It's is written in proverbs that as a man thinketh so he is. The same proverb says " be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts." (Prov.4:23). The spirit of God speaking through Paul is telling you today not to conform(act in line) with this world but that you should be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may know the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.
      The renewing of your mind can only be achieved in the word of God. God wants you to take into your thoughts His words. He wants you today to begin to think the way He does. You may ask how one can think like God. His words written down in the Bible are His thoughts. When you received Christ, you were being given birth to by God. So He is your father. As your father , He expect you to be like him in your thoughts. Once you start thinking the way he does by means of His words, your life would be transformed. For example, God never thinks lack or impossibility. Jesus demonstrated this when he was asked to pay tax. He sent Peter to go to the river and get the money from the mouth of the fish and use it for the tax. He also did that when he fed the multitude with such a little fish and bread. But you would say he did all that because he was God. But No! He was also a human being like you and I. But the difference was that He knew Who He was. He knew He was the son of God and could receive whatsoever He asked of the father. He lived in that consciousness and that made the difference. Who do you think you are? What has God through Christ made you to become? Those are exactly what he wants you to flood your mind with. Study his words to find out your inheritance in Christ and begin to align your thoughts in them. Renew your mind with those things. You are aware that you are righteous in him, a new creation, a son and heir to the blessings of God. Take in these thoughts and you will be another kind of man. Do not let what is going on in this world determine or pattern your thoughts. We all know that there's recession in the country now but refuse to think lack. Don't let it be your thought such that you discuss it every time. Rather, let the thought of whom your Father is take hold of you. He is the creator of the universe and all things therein both visible and invisible. Jesus said" don't be anxious of your life, what you would eat , wear or drink for Your heavenly Father knows you need them." He went further to tell you that He feeds the birds of the air who neither store in barns yet, none of them goes a day without food and Your value to him is much more than the birds. David was a man who understood whom he was and the God he served when he said in Psalm 37 :25 " I am old now, I was young but I have never seen the righteous forsaken by the Lord or his seed begging for bread." It was his attitude towards God and his consciousness of the love of God in his life that made God call him a man after his own heart not minding his weaknesses. If the value for your ransom(salvation) was not animals, or even Angels but God Himself then you should know how much you are worth and mean to him. These are the kind of thoughts that should occupy your mind daily. That is when you would start to know the good, acceptable and perfect will of God for your life. God is drawn to those sons of his who know who they are in him and whom He is to them. He is proud and happy when He sees you thinking, talking and acting the way He does. When you recognize His abilities and begins to align your thoughts towards that, He causes the supernatural to happen for you. We are in this world and a lot of things contrary to the will of God are happening. But today's reading has thought you what to do. You shouldn't conform to what is happening, but you should be transformed, changed in your line of thinking by renewing Your mind that you may know the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Which means, without renewing your mind by means of God's word you can never come to know His will for you. He really wants you to be changed into His personality by means of your thoughts. SEE YOU SOON. LOVE YOU DEEPLY

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