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Tuesday, 7 March 2017

   You Are A New Creation!

If anyone is in Christ 
he is a new creation; 
the old has gone, the new has come."
Our Theme verse today says if anyone be in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come. In the last publication, I disclosed to you one of your identities in Christ which is; you are righteous.
    Today, another identity is that you are a new creation! But I want you to note the term "IF" in our theme verse. So, it is not for all but for those who are in him, for those who have received Christ. You can be among them if only you can believe. So how is it that you are a new creation in him? The moment you accept the redemptive work of Christ, a new birth takes place in you. It means God himself gives birth to you and becomes your father. This was what Jesus was explaining to Nicodemus who couldn't grasp his explanation. Nicodemus thought he would go back to his mother's womb to be reborn but it doesn't work that way. Of course, their is a new birth of you that takes place the moment you hear the gospel message and accept it in your heart. This birth is not like the physical birth but of another kind.
     We are made to know in the scripture that there are two kinds of birth. John 3:6 " That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit(KJV). Good news translation put it thus; " A person is born physically of human parents but is born spiritually of the spirit."
     The first birth which is birth by human parents is the type we all pass through to come here in this world. But in the second birth, which is of the spirit, not everyone has received that. It is this second birth that make us Sons of God. It is the type that puts us right with God. That is the birth that bring us into the possession of righteousness and put you in the position of a righteous man.  So as many as they are that have not received this kind of birth, does not belong to God and therefore cannot worship God the way he is. God is spirit and must be worshipped in spirit. Therefore for you to belong to him and give him his true worship, you must be born of his spirit(holy spirit). This is why Jesus is saying in John 4 :24" God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."
    Now, you may be wondering how possible this is---to be born of the spirit. This is exactly what Nicodemus was confused about. However, Jesus made us to know that how it happens and when isn't something you will understand because it's the holy spirit that performs it. John 3:8 says" the wind bloweth where it Listeth(wishes) and thou heareth the sound there of but cannot tell whence it cometh and wither it goeth. So Is everyone that is born of the spirit." 
   When you believe in Jesus, the holy spirit is sent into your heart. It is this holy spirit in you that now makes you to be born of the spirit. When this takes place, you will only notice that something happened to you but cannot tell how it happened. This thing that happens to you ushers you into the new birth( born of the spirit). If you are born of the spirit, you become a new man/ creation.
     This is one of the identities Christ achieved for you that you may become a new creation, born of the spirit of God to be able to worship God as he is. This means that whenever a man recognizes his inadequacies and turns and accept Christ, everything about him becomes old. Apostle Paul usually describe this old nature as dieing with Christ. That is to say, the man who receives Christ dies with Christ on the cross. The man living is no longer the former person who lived before accepting Christ but is a totally brand new man/creation whose father is the Almighty God, whose family and linage is of Christ, and also who is a carrier of the DNA of Christ. Alleluia! This is indeed awesome!
   Beloved, if you have accepted Christ, I am once again unveiling your identity in Christ to you that YOU ARE A NEW CREATION the former you is gone(dead). You are therefore God's own son/daughter or child. It is worth jubilating. The implication of this is that you are no longer connected to any ancestral nonsense, family curses, individual curse, failure is no longer an option, dreaded diseases and illnesses cannot affect you anymore, no more struggles, you are no longer a victim of circumstances, you can't be going out and coming in and die on the road, your blood can no longer be wasted any how, No charm, poison or evil plans of evil men can scratch your body not to talk of killing you. These and many more negative things that torment people in this life cannot breathe where you are again because they can only affect the man born of the flesh and not of the spirit. But you have been crucified and buried with Christ. You have received the birth of the spirit. It is now a new you with the Divine nature and DNA of God that is living. Therefore, you have been fashioned to live in Divine health, prosperity. You are an overcomer because whoever is born of God overcomes the world by means of his faith in Christ Jesus. All the heavenly blessings belong to you. These blessings are supernatural not natural. They are beyond the ability or capacity of men. That is why your success henceforth is of the spirit in you no longer of your might and power. Where others fail you Excell with ease. This is real not a fairy tale.
     I urge you if you have not accepted Christ to do so because not accepting him is the worst thing that can happen to you and the best thing that can ever happen to you is to accept him. Until you accept him, you will never have a clear vision of why you were created. Your purpose will not be made known to you. You will join the league of many people who sees life as go to school, do biz, marry, get a job, have children, train them and let them look after you in old age and then death. This is a meaningless way to live in this world. There is more to that type of life. But you wouldn't know until you have come into Christ. Its vital we all receive the new birth of the holy spirit. without it, it is better you were not born. Acknowledge your weakness and your inability to save yourself and turn to Jesus by believing and accepting his redemptive work as it is for the remission of your sins and he will send his spirit into your life. LOVE YOU DEEPLY. SEE YOU SOON!


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