As a man THINKS in his HEART, so is he " (prov. 23:7 )
First, I want you to understand the heart spoken about here. It's not the physical heart of man . That is, the one you see when someone is operated upon . It is not the heart which is an organ in the body. The heart here is the mind which is spiritual and intangible just like the human spirit. God is the only one who sees the heart(mind).
Today's theme verse talks about your thoughts. Thoughts are so powerful that it determines the outcome of your life. Thoughts are the material your mind functions with. Thoughts are pictures of the mind with constructive or destructive possibilities, functioning with or within human emotions. Thought is said to be the creation, recalling, reviewing and processing of images for meaning(pastor Chris). They have the ability to influence your emotions. Sometimes they are imaginations of your mind. They are conscious, mental constructions of your mind based on imagination, information or stimuli. Your thoughts if wrongly applied can make you life miserable but when used rightly produces a successful life.
Thoughts emanates from three sources namely; ones own reasoning, God and Satan. Thoughts emanating from your reasoning are based on information you acquire either from school, media or someone else. The one from God could come by his words written in the Bible or inspiration He himself drops in your mind. But you must know no negative or evil thought ever comes from God. Satan has also the ability of dropping evil, and negative information, opinions and suggestion in your mind if allowed. I want you to also know that no positive or good thought ever come from Satan. He is there to just pollute your mind and blind you from God's truth and Rob you off the glorious life you ought to be enjoying. His purpose is only to steal, kill and to destroy.
Our theme verse says as a man THINKS in his heart so is he. What thought do you allow in your mind? Whose thought do you accommodate in your mind? That of the happenings in the society, God or Satan? You are responsible for your thoughts. The power or ability to retain or discard thoughts you want or don't want is in your hands. The scripture did not say as God thinks in his heart about you, so you are. So you are the one to do the thinking. It does not come unconsciously but it is a conscious exercise. So, you are in control of your thought. ...God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only continually evil. So the Lord says, I will destroy man whom I have created..(Gen. 6:5).
You see, God held man responsible for his thought otherwise he wouldn't have pronounced judgement upon him. Someone may say " but there are thoughts that suddenly come to my mind and do not know how they come". Yes! but God holds you responsible for processing such thoughts. That is why God gave you "WILL"(the power of choice). You choose what to stay or not stay in your mind.
I tell you, the thought you should allow in your mind are only those that align with God's word. That is why studying and meditating the word is paramount. You cannot know what kind of thought God has for you and want you to ruminate upon if you don't study His word. The word of God are his thoughts clothed in vocabulary(Pastor Chris). God has no evil in his thought. His thoughts can only lead you to a successful and glorious life. Exchange your reasoning with that of God( word) and you will experience a new turn in your life. That is why our last discussion says do not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. For instance; there is something you want to accomplish, I mean good thing because not all things people will to accomplish are good. So when you are set out to achieve that, a thought suddenly drops in your mind saying who knows if this thing would be successful? Or you say I don't think it is possible. Now it is your responsibility to renew(replace, change) such negative thought with what the Word says about it that " you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you" or "all things are possible with him that believes" These are scriptures to replace and expunge that negative thought. God's own thought for you regarding that thing you want to accomplish is that you can do it. It means there is no limit to what you can achieve. Once you allow His words in your heart it pulls down that first thought that would have served as obstacle and give you the strength or ability to carry on. This is exactly the way your mind is renewed. I want you to know that whatever situation you will encounter in your stay in this life has the solution been provided for in his word.
If you flood your mind with thoughts from your own reasoning as a result of what is happening in the society, you will end up failing because your senses can't fulfil God's will for you but his Word alone. Your own reasoning has the capacity of failing you but His words can never fail . If there should be a reasoning, it should be in the word of God. If you also allow the negative, evil thought sent by Satan in your heart, you will also end up being destroyed. The outcome of your life is a reflection of your thought. No wonder the Lord instructs us " keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life"(prov. 4:23).
If you have received Christ and is now born again, your thoughts must be the same with that of him( Christ) who saved you. The happenings in your environment and society at large shouldn't form your thoughts anymore. Such information can only frustrate you because the society is full of evil and things that could make you collapse, lose faith or even pass out before your time the moment you hear them. The Word is the only anchor for staying focus, hopeful, peaceful and successful in this life. Take hold of your mind and permit only God's thoughts(word) in it. LOVE YOU DEEPLY! SEE YOU SOON!
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