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Thursday, 13 April 2017

"Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on those things" (Phil. 4: 8).

Greetings to you beloved. I apologize for not having published for quite a long time now. I believe you are doing great?
    Today's theme verse spells out to us God's determinants of good thoughts to be accommodated in our minds(heart). In our last topic We talked about being responsible for your thought with the theme verse that says " as a man THINKS in his heart so is he". Thank God we are not left without knowledge of what makes a thought worthy of accommodation in our hearts as today's verse teaches us. 
    You have been admonished to concentrate and think on those things that are true, honest, just, lovely, pure, of good report and praise worthy. In all these things, I am delighted to tell you that it's only God's word that meets all of these yardstick. God's word is the truth( John 17:17). Outside His word, every other thing fall short of these criteria. There are thoughts that sounds true or honest but are not of good report. There are those that are true but are not praise worthy. So, you are not expected to accommodate or think on anything that are true but not good report or the other way round. The thoughts you accommodate must be those within the provision of God's yardstick and falls short of none of them. God's word (His own thoughts) falls short of none of those listed above. For instance, Caleb, Joshua and some other Israelites were sent out to go and survey the land of Canan which God has promised to give them and to bring back report of their findings. When they returned the scripture recorded that the men gave a bad report except for Caleb and Joshua. What report did the other men give? They told Moses and the isrealites that the land was flowing with milk and honey but the inhabitants of the land were giants to the extent that they(isrealites) appeared like grass cutters before them. Therefore, it's impossible for them to conquer the isrealites. However, Joshua and Caleb gave a different report saying though these men appear huge, they (isrealites) with God on their side are able to conquer them.
     These were men that went on the same mission but came back with different reports. The other men gave facts about their findings which ordinarily appear true and honest but in the light of God's word, they were said to be not of good report because it falls short of the yardstick of God's measurement of good thoughts. God's word had said, He would give them that land. God's word is the only truth. For you to know how true a thing is , subject that fact in the light of the word of God and if it tallies with it, then it's true but if not, it is not true at all. Joshua and Caleb despite all the facts before them said they were able to defeat the giants and take over the land because God has said so. Instead of carrying and holding unto their own thoughts and situation of their findings, they held unto God's own thought and report which says "I will give you the land of Canan flowing with milk and honey" These two men believed God's word more than the situation confronting them but the other men believed the situation before them more than God.
     Today, many people are like the other men instead of Joshua and Caleb. What thought do you accommodate in your heart? Do you choose to dwell and think on those unpleasant things happening around you? Why think on those things that are not true, honest, pure or just? Why dwell on them if they are not lovely, virtuous or praiseworthy? Why hold on something that is a connection to unhappiness? Look closely at our theme verse and observe it never included anything bad. Assuming a person is diagnosed as having cancer or other sicknesses, and the doctor's report presents the facts before the patient, what is the right thing to be done ? Does one need to hold the report and out of fear cry why me? No!! If he does that, he has accepted the situation. The right thing to be done is to bring the doctor's report and subject it to God's word which is the TRUTH to find out if that report is true or not. The doctor by virtue of his training may tell you the fact but the word of God is the truth. In the eyes of God, such report isn't true because it falls short of His provisions for you revealed in his word.The diagnosis is fact but it is not of a good report but a bad one. So don't take it nor accept it. God's truth in that situation says "By his stripes you are healed", " I sent my word (Jesus) and healed your disease". That is the truth and the thought to accommodate and think on in that situation. This word of God in this situation possess all the yardstick mentioned above. With this in place, even if the patient's faith is not strong enough to carry him out of that situation, he is able to approach treatment with a positive mindset and surely, he is coming out of that situation. But the man who adopts the other approach of believing the doctor's report more than God's word would be overwhelmed by fear which could even make him not to stay alive before the treatment commences or may not be able to respond to treatment and dies in it. Fear does not come from God but Satan. God can only give you boldness and hope amidst difficulties. He does this only through his Word. Fear stops you from even knowing the right thing to do in a given situation and results when you choose to believe every other thing instead of God's word. We are in a world filled with problems but you can overcome everyone of them if you choose His word over them and choose to accommodate and think on things that are true, pure, honest, of good report, and praise worthy . SEE YOU SOON. LOVE YOU DEEPLY!!

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