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Sunday, 8 April 2018

ESAU I HATE, JACOB I LOVE. What Does this Mean?

As the scriptures said I loved jacob but I hated Esau. Shall we say then that God is unjust? Not at all, for he said to Moses, I will have mercy on anyone I wish. So then everything depends not on what human beings want or do but only on God's Mercy (Rom.9: 13-16)
Greetings beloved!!

A whole lot of persons pick offense with God whenever they come across today's verse that says, Esau I hate, Jacob I love. To them, God is being unfair and his judgement and declaration questionable. Do you feel that way? I also felt that way not until I understood His perfect redemption and I pray you will also be enlightened to embrace the truth hidden in His choice of Jacob over Esau.
   Its pertinent to know that when God choose Jacob over Esau, they were not yet born. By implication, they both have not done any good or bad thing. So God's choice of Jacob and rejection of Esau was not based on their deeds.(good or bad).
   The scriptures reveal that his choice was based on His Mercy. The question now is, why did He choose Jacob over Esau? Remember, when they were born, Esau was the first child to come out. So by birth, Esau had the full right to his father's property. I believe in most traditions, the first son always has the greatest share of his father's property, this is the law. On the contrary, Jacob the second son was given the rights of Esau. This is called Unmerited Favor(Grace).
   Now, what Esau and Jacob represent are LAW and GRACE. Therefore, when God said Esau I hate, Jacob I love, He was demonstrating His choice of redemption. That is to say, God choose His Mercy over the law. He choose to justify us by means of His Mercy instead of the law. The law is right and just just like it was lawful and right for Esau to have received His father's blessings. But, on the contrary Jacob received it all( Unmerited Favor, GRACE)
  Jacob stands for you and I whom God has shown His Mercy. We didn't merit it, But He redeemed us and forgave all our sins. He refused to come by his laws and commandments which is just and right because He knew you and I will not be able to keep it and that will mean the entire human race perishing. Therefore he choose His GRACE(Jacob) over the LAW(Esau).
   Jesus is the Mercy of God to everyone. Whosoever believes in this mercy of God not depending on his deeds(good or bad) but on the one who has forgiven and Cleansed them becomes the beloved and the choosen of God. LOVE YOU DEEPLY. SEE YOU SOON!!!

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