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Sunday, 14 June 2020


... She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Matt. 1:21

Jesus as mankind's saviour had one thing he saved us from; SIN. Everyone sins. Amidst human desire, rules and efforts to live good lives, the glaring truth that we all must realize and accept is that we all sin until the day each of us gives up our final breath. Humans sins more out of their weaknesses than deliberately. Until a man dies, he would exhibit such weaknesses.  

There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins. (Ecclesiastics 7:20) 

To this end, came the saviour ;JESUS the son of God. To redeem us from our sins, Jesus went through three processes, namely, baptism, death and resurrection. Everyone who considers himself a sinner and wants to be saved must believe these three witnesses concerning Jesus to find salvation. 

When John baptized Jesus, John confirmed the sins of all of us on Jesus. The sins of all men were laid on Jesus when he was baptized. This is in fulfillment of the old testament' laying on of hands on the sacrificial animal by the high priest to pass the sins of the people on the head of the animal. And by so doing, the animal carries off the sins of the people(see Lev. 16:21-22). John testifies of this the next day after he baptized Jesus at Jordan when he said "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world". John declared Jesus as the lamb that carried off the sins of all men. 

Because Jesus has now become the lamb of God carrying our sins,  He had to pay the wages for our sins that was upon him. He paid this wages with his death on the cross once forever for it is written : the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal life. 

Because the wages of sin is death, Jesus died but because the gift God gives is Eternal life, not death, God raised Jesus our saviour from death so that everyone who considers himself a sinner and desires salvation, who hears and believes the three witnesses concerning his son Jesus, namely ; baptism, death and resurrection is forever forgiven of all sin and have the hope of eternal life (God's gift to him). That man who believes ceases from being a sinner in God's sight having been washed of all his sins by his active faith in Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus for this great salvation. Do you believe this?  

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